

Adrienne’s Pizza Bar is one of several places I’ve visited multiple times, only to realize I left my camera at home. One recent weekend, I finally remembered to bring my camera with me on this pizza run.   Adrienne’s Pizza Bar is located on a busy, cobble-stone lined stretch called Stone Street, in the Financial District.  On warm summer nights, the bars and restaurants on Stone street open their doors and after-work crowds take over the tables and benches that line the street.  Now that it’s chilly, the after-work crowd has thinned; however, Adrienne’s still serves its delicious pizza.

The first thing you’ll notice about the pizza is that it’s not your typical pie:

Yep, it’s rectangle pizza, whee!  Called the “Old Fashioned” style, this pizza is a welcome canvas for a variety of toppings on the menu.  This time we went with sausage and mushrooms, a classic combination.  The pie was served bubbling hot, with ooey gooey cheese and copious toppings.  Although I was dining with only one other buddy that day, we put this pie away pronto.   If finishing a pizza is wrong, I don’t want to be right.  Especially when Adrienne’s is concerned. Ha!

Mouthwatering pizza in a trendy setting.

 Adrienne’s Pizza Bar

54 Stone St. (@ William & Pearl)


What’s your favorite pizza topping?