Happy Birthday, Big Apple Nosh! 🙂

Well, more or less.  I technically started this site in June of last year, but I’m totally counting the launch of this shiny new look (thank you Joy of HowJoyful DesignStudio, you’re awesome!) as the Big Apple Blogaversary!  Please be patient as I transition everything over from blogger to wordpress (woohoo!) as it will take a while. But in the mean time let’s take a little walk through NoshGirl time, shall we?

In the past year:

1. I wrote 180 blog posts

(Wow, I’ve come half circle! 180 degrees, get it? Yep, that’s me – corny.)

2. I met some interesting and fun food personalities.

(I also just realized I’m wearing the same dress in 2 different colors in these photos. Anyone else buy the same outfit in multiple colors?)



3.  I learned how to cook by participating in contests.

What can I say, I like contests. And eating.


4. I blogged while abroad.


I don’t travel light.

5. I had some cooking failures.

Let’s just say  – eggplant and I are still not on speaking terms.


6. I attended some pretty fun events.

Helloooooo small bites! Helloooo chocolate!



7. Most fun of all, I got to know many of you!

Thank you so much for following along and posting comments. I love checking out all of your blogs, and your comments, feedback and encouragement during my cooking foibles make my day!  I’m so glad to have “met” all of you this past year and look forward to another exciting year for Big Apple Nosh!  Who’s with me? 🙂

Feedback? Questions? Let me know!