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During my first trip to Chicago two years ago, I was told that Garrett Popcorn was an absolute must-try.  The Chicago mix, in particular, is the stuff of legend – sweet caramel popcorn mixed with cheddar popcorn.  I tried it and was absolutely addicted.  Well, lo and behold – there’s a Garrett in NYC!  Oh NoshGirl, you’re so silly.  What is it that’s so amazing about Garrett? Where do I even begin…

Cheddar and caramel don’t necessarily seem the most likely pair; however, the Chicago mix is a work of perfection.  Both sweet and salty, tangy and rich, crunchy and chewy, each handful is a delectable mouthful of popcorn perfection.  I was afraid that my eyes were larger than my stomach when I ordered a “Large”, but my fears were unwarranted. I gobbled this baby up:


This is highly masochistic, but I don’t visit the Garrett store in NYC.  There’s just something special about purchasing this corny treat in Chicago.  But please, don’t follow in my footsteps.  Visit Garrett and get your Chicago mix today! Then come back and tell me all about it. I’m waiting…

Highly addictive.

Garrett Popcorn
Locations in Chicago and NYC