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Continuing on my Chicago eat-stravaganza, my next stop was Silver Palm’s.  I was here for one thing and one thing only – the three little piggy sandwich.  Just take a look at that monstrosity! (And I mean that in the best possible way).  Intrigued?  So was I…

The three little piggy sandwich is not for the faint of heart – featuring the 3 piggy trio of double smoked ham, pork tenderloin, and bacon – this study in porcine goodness is smothered with gruyere cheese.  Oh, you want more?  Throw a fried egg on the whole shindig!  This sandwich is a two-handed, three-napkin meal.  Just as a frame of reference, five people (including three big guys) shared 2 sandwiches.

Such a complex sandwich could be overwhelming, but Silver Palm’s does a great job of balancing this creation so you are *almost* pushed over the top but instead linger right in that happy state of comfortably full.  Combine that with the old rail car decor, and you’ve got yourself a winner.  If you’re in town, grab an eating buddy and check out Silver Palm’s!

Pork, pork and more pork. And cheese. And egg. It’s good.

Silver Palm’s 768 N. Milwaukee Chicago, IL
