Happy Wednesday, Noshers!!  Why is it happy? Well, for me, today is my FRIDAY!  Is today your Friday as well? 🙂  Today I’m providing a recipe round-up of some of the scrumptious things I’ll be making in preparation for Thanksgiving.  I haven’t tackled a turkey yet – after all, sides and dessert are my favorite parts of the meal!  So I’ll be making these things:

First, watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade wouldn’t be complete without some piping hot cinnamon rolls – heavy on the cream cheese frosting, please!!


Then, I’ll be making one of my faaavorite sides – is this your favorite side as well?

Yep, garlic mashed potatoes! Mmmmmm.


Continuing on the carb train, I’ll be making some sweet and rich honey cornbread – if you love corn pudding, you’ll love this!


Hmmm, speaking of corn pudding, I’ll add that in too.  YUM.


Unbelievable as it is, some don’t consider corn and potatoes “real” vegetables – wahhhh!  To satisfy those peeps, we’ve got asparagus au gratin – hopefully I can find some fresh asparagus as beautiful as these spears from this summer (fingers crossed!):


And then turkey turkey, eat, eat, stuffed, eat, stuffed.

Ok, time for dessert!!

I’ll be cutting back this year and am only making two (“cutting back” after I made salted caramel brownies and an apple pie for my coworkers, ha!).  First, we’ve got the very luscious and very Thanksgiving-y pumpkin praline cheesecake:

cheesecake-19-1692527Let’s hope it doesn’t go the way of last year’s cheesecake (read the recipe post for details if you don’t know what I’m talking about!)

And finally, I’ll be making a salted caramel pie for my cousins again.  The three times I’ve made it before (for Pie Party LIVE!, for coworkers, and for a friend) it was a huge hit.   I know my friend Kelsey is making one for her Thanksgiving and from the various pins on pinterest (ok – STILL don’t know what pinterest is about), it seems like several of you may be too!


There you have it, Noshers! My selection of Thanksgiving sides and dessert!  Hope you enjoyed the round-up and have a wonderful holiday!

Will you be trying any of these sides/desserts? What is your favorite Thanksgiving dish?