a43561d27b3c11e3b6780e02843b4fc7_81-5810553Braving the dreary weather for brunch at Jacob’s Pickles

Happy Tuesday, Noshers!  Today I thought I’d kick off a weekend recap series – maybe it’s because I had a bunch of delicious meals this weekend (if next weekend is particularly uneventful, this series will be short-lived indeed).

Anyhoo, while I take my big dSLR camera out regularly, I have my phone camera on me all the time.  So most of these photos will be captured super-casual, in-the-moment snaps.  Most of this past weekend’s photos were taken with an iPhone 5S I’ve been demo-ing for the past few weeks, courtesy of Verizon Wireless 4G LTE.  I’m still deciding which phone I should get when  I’m up for an upgrade (in 14 days….not that I’m counting or anything), so demo-ing different phones has certainly been helpful :).

Some highlights from this weekend include:

Checking out one of my Top 10 Holiday Must-Do’s in NYC


Bourekas and hummus brunch at Hummus Place

“Light lunch” at Wolfgang’s Steakhouse


Cracking open some crazy fortune cookies from take-out

What did you do this weekend?