
Would you like a grape macaron? How about a green apple macaron?  If you’re a French macaron fan like myself (I like to think I was a fan of them before they were cool…and were subsequently knocked off the “cool” pedestal by doughnuts and cupcakes), I’m guessing your answer is yes.  But take a closer look – do these cookies look a little different to you? Well, your sharp eye does not fool you – these aren’t actually French macarons, they are….

True story – when I was little, I was a sucker for toy commercials (I mean, what kid isn’t?) and even more so – magazine ads and circulars featuring toys and offers.  Ever optimistic, I would circle things I wanted in the Sears catalog or point out special deals to my parents (“hey mom – this toy WAS $19.99 but if we order right now it’s only $14.99!”).  One thing that I still remember wanting was a $9.99 “Mystery Box” that was guaranteed to have over 100 toys in it.  100 toys! I mean, come on – who can resist that? My young brain never made the leap to the thought that a 10-cent toy would probably have little appeal or quality, but when I was that age I definitely valued quantity over quality.  A 10-cent toy? Meh. How about 100 of them? Now you’re talking!

As you might have guessed, chanel-macys-11-8321979

Happy Wednesday, Noshers! Today I’m happy to share my recap of a fun beauty event I attended last week at Macy’s Town Center Plaza in Leawood!  Featuring Chanel cosmetics and skincare products and hosted by Chanel rep/guru Rance and Macy’s cosmetics department sales manager Blake, the event was “All About Eyes” – teaching us how to do a dramatic eye.  I’m a huge fan of trying all sorts of skincare products but admit I’m a bit of a novice when it comes to eye makeup. Multiple times I’ve tried doing a “smoky eye” for a party or wedding, and well…it just looks like a regular eye. So I was eager to get started!