citizens-of-chelsea-1-4307141I’ve been obsessed with the Australian coffee shops that have been popping up around the city lately (I’m looking at you, Bluestone Lane).  I recently stopped by Citizens of Chelsea, which offers breakfast and lunch fare in a bright, airy setting in – where else – Chelsea.  The “Smashing Avocado” called my name; however, I decided to branch out a bit and ordered the coconut and raspberry bircher meusli – rolled oats soaked overnight in coconut milk, honey and raspberry, topped with cacao nibs, hazelnut crumble, dragonfruit panna cotta, and fresh fruits.

I’m not even going to pretend that’s a healthy option because this. was. DELICIOUS.  On the off chance it *was* a healthy option, I solved that problem by ordering a side of bacon. It’s my M.O. when ordering a sweet entree, whatcha gonna do.

My eating buddy ordered the brekkie sandwich – scrambled eggs, smoked bacon, Swiss cheese, spinach and beetroot chutney served on a cheddar chive biscuit with a side of green spinach salad. You better believe that I reached over for a hearty bite. That cheddar chive biscuit was divine!

A fresh cucumber and mint limeade completed the meal for me, along with a healthy dose of people-watching.

If you’re looking for a cool, casual brunch spot with menu options that are delicious BUT won’t make you feel gross afterward, check out Citizens of Chelsea and let me know what you think!