
This past weekend, I had the delicious experience of trying Guerrilla Ice Cream, located on Saturdays at the Hester Street Fair.  Guerrilla isn’t the most conventional name for an ice cream purveyor, and we soon learned the significance behind this unique moniker.

As you can see on the menu below, each delicious flavor is named after a political movement, such as  liberation or a protest against militant or authoritative rule.  Additionally, 100% of profits support marginalized population locally (within NYC) and around the world.  My eating buddy and I had a really informative conversation with Keshari, Guerrilla enthusiast, who was passionate about the cause – now the question was, how would the ice cream measure up?

After some deliberation, we went with the Libertacao – chocolate ice cream (at 72% cocoa, with a touch of port wine), with bruleed frozen bananas and cashews.  It was pretty interesting to watch them brulee the bananas right then and there:


The Libertacao was a delicious blend of flavors – the high cocoa content of the chocolate ice cream was rich and enhanced by the warmth from the port wine.  The bananas brulee provided a slight burnt sugar bitterness while the crunch of the cashews completed the texture.  We devoured the small cup within minutes.

If you come across Guerrilla Ice Cream, I would definitely recommend stopping by for a sample (which will undoubtedly turn into a full cup).  Their flavors are rich, innovative and the fact that profits go to charitable use makes eating it almost guilt-free.

Yummy ice cream for a good cause.

Guerrilla Ice Cream Saturdays at Hester Street Fair

Sundays at Fulton Stall Market