refrigerator_oats-3-9526140 It is sweltering in NYC these days. Simply sweltering!  I was hopeful that the periodic thunderstorms would cool things down a bit, but all they seem to do is increase mugginess.  Let me tell you, there’s nothing quite like the aroma of a crowded, non-air conditioned subway car in the morning.  Ew.

Such balmy climates call for a cool and refreshing breakfast.  Don’t get me wrong, I haven’t given up my favorite breakfast combo of french toast and bacon – but I can’t have that every day, can I? Or rather – I shouldn’t.   That’s when I turned to a super-easy, healthy and dessert-like alternative – refrigerator oats!

Those of you who have been following along on the blog know that I’m a bit of an oatmeal fanatic – and it doesn’t help that…… the amaaaazing Oatmeals shop is in close proximity!  So, I’m super excited to talk about my “summered up” version: refrigerator oats.

Now what you see here may look a bit healthy, but don’t let that scare you:

But one thing I really was excited about was using these jars – but any 8-oz or larger container will do, really:

The proportions may very depending on the type of milk and yogurt you use, but this is what works for me.  These do need to sit in the fridge a bit (preferably overnight), and I like to make 4 or 5 at once.  The proportions below are for one 8-oz serving!

Refrigerator Oats (proportions for one serving – I make 4 or 5 servings at a time)

  • 1/3 cup old fashioned oats (uncooked)
  • 1/3 cup yogurt (I used plain Greek non-fat)
  • 1/3 cup milk (I used skim, but you can use any-fat, almond, soy, etc.)
  • 2 tsp chia seeds (I had some left over from my first Chia experience; they are an awesome fridge oats addition!)
  • Sweetener to taste (I usually use 1-2 tsp of honey or agave.  If your yogurt is flavored, you might not need this).
  • Toppings – fruit, nuts, cocoa powder, nut butter, etc.

This is super easy.

1.  First, combine the oats, yogurt, milk and chia seeds in a container.  Cover the container securely and shake vigorously! (See first photo for result)

2. Then, add whatever toppings you’d like until the container is pretty full (I leave about a centimeter for expansion of the oats and chia seeds).  Some combinations that I’ve tried and liked are:

  • banana/almond butter/honey/walnut
  • banana/cocoa powder/honey
  • blueberry/cinnamon/maple syrup
  • blackberries/raspberries/blueberries
  • strawberries/marscapone

Get creative!

3. Refrigerate at least overnight – the next morning: voila! Refrigerator oats! Good to eat right out of the jar 🙂

Refrigerator oats are super easy to make, pretty healthy, and quite filling – one will keep me satisfied until lunch.  Even if you’re usually not the biggest oatmeal aficionado, I encourage you to give this a try – it’s almost reminiscent of rice or tapioca pudding.  Try it out and let me know what you think!  And I’m really keen to hear about your favorite add-ins so make sure to let me know!

Are you an oatmeal fan?