Happy Monday, Noshers!  How many of you are off work today? I’m one of the minority who are at work this morning (wahh).  Hope you have some lovely plans if you have the day off!

Today, I’m happy to share some recipes that I’ve recently tried. A few weeks ago, the folks at organicgirl offered to send me a few of their products to sample – organicgirl offers several varieties of salad blends that make it easy to eat healthy.  All of their products are organic, triple washed, and ready to eat.  I readily admit that I don’t eat vegetables nearly as often as I should (remember my Veggie Resolution?).  While I have come a long way with vegetables versus a few years ago, as in – I actually like them now! – I often feel a little lazy about prepping them.  So I was interested to check out the organicgirl products and see if they would encourage me to spend the time to prep and eat them 🙂

I received three varieties – SUPERGREENS!, i