
Happy Tuesday, Noshers! This past weekend I stopped by my local farmers market and I, er, might have gone a little overboard.  But look at all that beautiful bounty, can you blame me?  Bonus points for anyone who can name everything on the table!

If you’ve been following me from last year, you’ll know that I’m not a natural veggie lover.  In fact, last year’s Veggie Resolution was my whole-hearted attempt to “force” myself to like vegetables.  Boy was I glad I kept at it, because I discovered all sorts of new-to-me vegetables that I now love (kohlrabi, anyone?).  So I was super excited to check out what the farmer’s market had in store this past weekend.  Some of my purchases included:

Farm fresh eggs from Knoll Krest Farm:

One of my instagram buddies (Are you on instagram? If so, we should be buddies!) remarked that he was quickly scrolling through photos and thought this was a picture of a butt. Of course, that’s now all I see, ha! THANKS, instagram buddy.  So far I’ve used these eggs to make dill scrambled eggs and my fave – baked eggs.

I saw these lovely garlic scapes and of course had to buy them to make delicious garlic scape pesto:

Garlic scape pesto is intense!  Try it for yourself, if you dare.

Asparagus is in season, so I picked up a bunch of these tender stalks:

Which will be turned into a lovely asparagus au gratin.

And when I saw these teeny tiny strawberries, I knew I had to get a pint – they were a little tart, but drizzled with honey they were perfection!

And of course, I couldn’t help myself – you see, I had made a resolution to myself of “No New Cookbooks in 2012!”  – I have way too many, but I can’t help it – I read cookbooks like they are novels!  So when I saw this one on Amazon, I just knew I had to have it:

As a little loophole to my resolution, this is an early birthday present from Mom and Pop Nosh. Happy birthday to ME!  How clever am I. 😉  All other loophole cookbooks welcome, ha!

As you can see from the first photo, I purchased a TON more of fresh produce, but I figured I’d just feature a few key beauties here.  I had a wonderful time walking through the market, chatting with the produce sellers, and immersing myself in the explosion of sights, smells and textures.  I can’t wait for my next farmers market visit – stay tuned!

PS – you might have seen on the Big Apple Nosh Facebook page that this blog has made a list of Top 10 New York Food and Restaurant Blogs.  Lil’ ole’ me? Aw go on!  Apparently my rank (holding on to #10!) could have been higher if I posted more frequently – I’ve been a little lax lately, but that will change starting…! You ready for me? 🙂

Do you have a local market? What is your favorite purchase?