Happy Friday, Noshers! 


Yummy Cinnamon Rolls via fellow Nosher The Nifty Foodie, during the Noshgirl Party: Weekend Breakfast!

We did it! We survived the bitter cold.  I spoke to several people across the country, and it seems like the temperatures plummeted all over the place.  Although I must admit that when I hear of someone living in an area where the regular temperature is in the 80s, and it dropped down to the low 70s, I can’t say I feel much sympathy 😉

Today’s Fun Fact is more of a question – a fellow Nosher asked when the next NoshGirl (virtual) party was happening.  For those of you who haven’t attended a NoshGirl party before, I encourage you to attend!  Check out for the previous parties I’ve hosted.  Basically, a few days before the party weekend, I post a the secret party food – previous foods have included frozen yorgurt, late night snacks, weekend breakfast, etc.  Then all of us Noshers participate in the party by eating the secret party food and snapping a photo of it and posting/sending me a photo!  I will then compile all the photos and post them (with a link to you of course) so we can see what all the party Noshers ate – it’s so fun to see submissions from as far as Vietnam and Germany!

I’m super excited to launch this again – so my Fun Question to you is –

Would you like to attend a NoshGirl party? If so, what food would you like to see as the “secret party food”?

I’ll also be posting this on twitter/FB/Instagram – can’t wait to see what you all think!

Happy weekend!