Happy Monday, everyone! Did you do anything fun this weekend? I had a delicious meal (post coming soon) and attended a Rufus Wainwright performance – fun!

I posted this last year, but since I’m re-using this recipe, I’m re-posting it as well!  I made heart-shaped red velvet whoopie pies to bring to work today. They are a hit!

First posted on February 9, 2011.


This recipe from Better Homes & Gardens, though I subbed in cream cheese filling.

You will need:


2 cups all-purpose flour 2 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder 1/2 tsp baking soda 1/4 tsp salt 1/2 cup butter, softened 1 cup packed brown sugar 1 egg 1 tsp vanilla 1/2 cup buttermilk

1 1-oz bottle red food coloring (2 Tbsp)

Frosting 1 8oz package cream cheese 1.5 sticks unsalted butter, softened 1 tsp vanilla extract

1 lb confectioners sugar, sifted (you may not need all of it)

This recipe makes 21 2-inch pies. (NoshGirl Note: No it doesn’t! I stretched mine out and only got to 15. In the land of desserts, that’s a major travesty. Boo BH&G).

1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Line baking sheets with parchment; set aside.

2. In medium bowl combine flour, cocoa powder, baking soda, and salt; set aside.
I know, isn’t this picture soooo exciting? You’re on the edge of your seats, I can feel it.


3. In large mixing bowl beat butter on medium to high 30 seconds. Beat in brown sugar until light and fluffy. Beat in egg and vanilla.

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4. Alternately add flour mixture and buttermilk, beating after each addition just until combined. Stir in food coloring.
Ok, the stirring in of the food coloring was tough. This dough has got some heft to it! I’d say it’s more of a “showing the dough who’s boss” with the food coloring rather than a simple “stirring in.”

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5. Spoon batter in 1- or 2-inch diameter rounds, about 1/2-inch high on prepared baking sheets, allowing 1 inch between each round.


6. Bake 7 to 9 minutes for 1-inch cookies or 9 to 11 minutes for 2-inch cookies, or until tops are set. Cool completely on baking sheets on rack. Remove cooled cookies from baking sheets.


Meanwhile, make the filling
7. With an electric mixer, cream together cream cheese and butter. Add vanilla extract and combine.


8. Gradually add confectioners’ sugar until you reach your desired consistency.


Once the pies are completely cooled, assemble and you’re good to go!

What’s your favorite Valentine’s Day treat?