
Happy Hump Day! Cheers to making it through half the week. We’re almost there!  I admit it’s been a hectic two weeks – the other day, I remarked to a coworker – “It’s been a long week,” to which she responded “…you know it’s only Tuesday, right?” Le sigh.

ANYHOO, I recently stopped by an old favorite – MUD Coffee, where I got this delish iced almond milk latte.  MUD started out as the MUD truck parked in Astor Place, where I’d stop by between classes back in college.  It has since expanded from truck to storefront, but the product and vibe still remain top-notch. Check it out if you’re ever in the East Village area!

What’s your favorite iced drink? Do you do “regular” milk or a milk alternative? (I’m always looking for suggestions 🙂 )