
Happy Tuesday, Noshers! It’s a gorgeous but chilly day here in NYC, and hopefully this post will warm your day up a bit! Recently, NatureBox reached out to me to see if I’d be interested in sampling their fall snacks. I had heard of NatureBox before, but hadn’t tried it – however, it combined two of my favorite things: non-bills mail and snacks. So in the name of blogging (okay okay, in the name of I-heart-snacking), I said YES.

For those not familiar with NatureBox, it’s a pretty convenient snack subscription service that delivers a box of healthier, wholesome snacks each month. There is a wide variety to choose from, and many of their options are a fun twist on traditional favorites, such as chili lime pistachios, kung pao pretzels, and salted caramel pretzel pops (omg I SO want to try those!!). There is also a rotating selection of seasonal favorites – and that’s what I got to sample.

I was super excited to see a pretty sizable box arrive in the mail, filled with five full-sized packages of snacks – I eagerly opened up the packaging to see what snacks I got (as a subscriber, you can either choose your snacks or have them surprise you). See for yourself:

naturebox-1-7839713I’m not ashamed to say that I opened them all up and tried them all in one sitting. Yes, I have no self control when it comes to snacks. And they were delicious!

The very first snack I tried was the pumpkin spice nom noms, which – let’s face it – I tried because of the name. I mean, they’ve got to be pretty good if nom nom is right in the name:


If you look on the NatureBox site, you’ll see that they have a whole line of nom noms, and they sound amazing – dark cocoa, peanut butter, and blueberry are just some of the varieties. The nom noms are soft and decadent morsels that remind me of cake pops, and are made with rolled oats, almonds, honey, and coconut. I’m actually not a big pumpkin spice person (yes, I know everyone LOVES pumpkin spice everything) but I really liked these. They tasted like warm cider and cozy fireplaces and crunching through autumn leaves. Yum!

I next dug into the apple pie oat clusters:

naturebox-3-4273330These crunchy, bite sized granola clusters were super addictive and true to name, tasted not just of apple but of apple pie. I ate a few straight from the bag but found that they were perfect when added to Greek yogurt. Another hit!

Two out of two was a great start, so I was super curious to dig into the praline pumpkin seeds next:


I’ve only had salty pumpkin seeds before, so I admit I was a little wary of these – sweet and pumpkin seeds….would this work? Hrmmm. But again, I was pleasantly surprised as I popped handful of these pumpkin seeds into my mouth – the sweet and crispy praline shell surrounding the hearty pumpkin seeds actually made a perfect combination.

I then moved onto my fourth snack – the cranberry pepita crisps:


This was the only snack that didn’t come in a resealable bag – a pretty bold “You’ll finish me in one sitting” statement. These were similar in texture to the pita chips that you might be familiar with, but with a sweet and chewy touch thanks to the cranberries. And yes, the snack was right – I did finish it in one sitting. Foiled again!

Last but certainly not least were the harvest rice sticks (first picture), which kinda reminded me of the “Oriental Party Mix” (or as I just call it, “Party Mix,” haha) that you’ve probably tried before. I’m not going to lie, I wasn’t sure how I felt about them after I tried two or three. But I’m nothing if not persistent when it comes to snacks, and for some inexplicable reason, after I ate a few more I couldn’t stop. These were addictive! I ended up bringing these into work, where my coworker had the exact same reaction. These very well may be my favorite of the five.

Overall, I was super impressed with the quality of the NatureBox snacks, and the price is pretty reasonable. You can start with a month-to-month subscription for $19.95/month, or splurge on a 12-month subscription for $15.95/month. For five delicious full-size snacks, this is actually less expensive than what I can get in NYC. If (like me) you like to snack, are looking for healthier options, but don’t want to sacrifice on taste in the least, give NatureBox a try! There’s even a free trial offer on their site, so you can see for yourself without any risk. 🙂 Happy snacking!

Disclosure: One NatureBox delivery provided for my sampling with no obligation to write about or publicize the product; opinions in this post wholly and completely my own.