
Happy Tuesday, Noshers!  I don’t know about you, but this unseasonably warm weather in NYC has been truly amazing.  Well, the dreariness and rain isn’t awesome, but I certainly don’t mind the temperatures. Reminds me of one of my favorite “warm weather” foods – barbecue!  So, I was super excited when I was invited to check out the third vendor at Smorgasburg at  Whole Foods‘ Bowery location – Mighty Quinn’s Barbecue.  During my one trip to Smorgasburg, I was actually super keen to try Mighty Quinn’s, but the line was ridiculously long.  Thankfully I didn’t have to wait long at Whole Foods and got to try some Mighty Quinn’s for myself!

The menu was short and simple, perfect for Ms. Indecisive over here:



My eating buddy and I decided on the pulled pork shoulder, smoked turkey breast (both naked, you know – to cut down on carbs and stuff. Riiiight….) and two sides:


The pulled pork shoulder (above) was extremely juicy and tender, and the sauce was sweet and smoky without being overly cloying.  Overall, delicious! The coleslaw was tangy and slightly sweet – I was a fan, and I’m usually pretty particular about my coleslaw.

The smoked turkey breast (below) was a very generous portion, also accompanied by coleslaw:


The turkey was also very flavorful, and quite tender for light meat.  I admit I’m a dark meat gal when it comes to chicken and turkey, so I preferred the pulled pork.  But still overall, very well done.

Eating buddy and I ordered two sides – and I loved both of them!  The first was sweet potato casserole with maple and pecan:


Ok, so I’m hoping someone will jump in here to tell me I’m not the only one who does this – I took a generous scoop of the casserole and quickly polished it off.  Then I kept on helping myself to one spoonful at a time – you know, to give the pretense that I’m not actually eating the whole thing by myself…slowly….and surely.  I really might as well have just eaten straight from the container – but here we can pretend I just ate half…right?  Anyhoo, what’s not to like – crispy, caramelized pecans, rich maple syrup and luscious sweet potatoes. Yum!

We also ordered an edamame and sweet pea salad, with sugar snap peas, caramelized onions and goat cheese:


This was so refreshing – perfect for a summer barbecue (yes, I realize it’s January!).  The creamy goat cheese added an extravagant touch to the otherwise light vegetables, and this salad was just how I prefer my salads – hearty, flavorful and substantive.  My eating buddy preferred the sweet potato casserole, but I was equally happy with both of these satisfying, yet completely different sides. I may or may not have devoured this side as well.

No barbecue meal would be complete without iced tea!


A meat plus side at Mighty Quinn’s Barbecue will set you back anywhere from $10-12 or so, which is a reasonable option for great barbecue (especially if you don’t want to wait on line at Smorgasburg!)  Mighty Quinn’s will be featured at Whole Foods Market Bowery only through the end of this month, so hurry 🙂

I can’t wait to return next month to Smorgasburg at Whole Foods Market Bowery and discover the next vendor! YUM!

Note: Meal provided by Whole Foods Market; opinions are my own.

Are you a barbecue fan?  What is your favorite barbecue meat?