
Why yes, I am in fact going to write a whole schpiel about a $5.99 succulent plant.

This is not just any plant though – this is a plant from one of my favorite flower/ plant places in the world – Trader Joe’s (my other favorite place to buy flowers or plants is the corner bodega. Any corner bodega will do). See, I kinda have the opposite of a green thumb – plants see me and preemptively wilt in proactive surrender. I’ve even had fake plants give up (a mischievous pet might have played a role). That, plus the fact that cut flowers eventually wither, which makes me sad, causes me to gravitate toward TJs or the bodega. Not only are the flowers well-priced, but they are hearty! And I don’t feel so sad when they meet their eventual demise.

I saw this little pink succulent during my weekly TJs visit, standing out proudly in a sea of its mint-shaded brethren. I knew it had to come home with me. When I checked out, the friendly cashier (and they are always friendly) squealed in delight and we both raved at the little plant’s beauty. She said she hoped they would receive more because she wanted one just like it. I carefully carried it home, taking care not to trip over my feet as a klutz like myself is wont to do. It’s just sitting pretty on my windowsill now, brightening up the room.

Flowers, man. They’re kinda magical.