baked_eggs-4-7766979Happy Tuesday!  Hope you all enjoyed the long weekend!  As for me, I made a few end-of-summer trips to the beach and just relaxed – wish I could do this more often!  To start the week off, I wanted to share a super simple egg recipe that I make almost every weekend.  It’s based on a recipe in Mark Bittman‘s How to Cook Everything, but you can tweak based on whatever you have in the house.  If you like runny eggs, this dish is for you!

You will need:


  • 2 eggs per person
  • Butter to grease ramekins (oh yeah, you need one ramekin or small oven-safe dish per person)
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Whatever add-ins you want! (this weekend I added morels, garlic and scallions)

1. Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees.

2. Prepare your add-ins.  This weekend I sauteed morels with butter and garlic, and finely diced the scallions.  Other add-ins possibilities include parmesan cheese, bacon, a dollop of creme fraiche – the sky’s the limit!


3. Grease the ramekins with butter.  In each ramekin crack 2 eggs and add-in, well, the add-ins.  Season with salt and pepper.


4. Bake in oven for approximately 12 minutes, until whites are just set (eggs will continue to bake after you remove them from the oven).  Serve hot!

This dish is seriously so easy, and you can be creative.  The “hardest” thing is waiting while the oven pre-heats!  Give it a try and let me know what your favorite add-ins are!

How do you eat your eggs?