
This post could also be called “Is eggplant supposed to taste like that?” or “Where did I go wrong?”  For my third veggie resolution, I continued tackling veggies that were scary or blah – after all I was 2 for 2 with veggie WINS!  I hoped I’d face similar success with the eggplant.   The eggplant, or aubergine, as I prefer to call it in my hoity-toity voice, looks beautiful.  However, my rare encounter with it have left me disappointed – either bitter or bland, mushy and just generally unappetizing.  General blergh-ness all around.   I then happened upon this recipe from David Lebovitz, with some of my favorite things – salt? Good.  Olive oil? Gooood.  Cilantro? Yummers.

So why did it come out funny?  Help me out, readers.  First, the recipe.

You will need:


3 medium-sized eggplants 1/2 cup tahini (roasted sesame paste) 1 1/4 tsp coarse salt 3 tbsp freshly-squeezed lemon juice 3 cloves garlic, peeled and smashed 1/8 tsp chile powder 1 tbsp olive oil

a half bunch picked flat-leaf parsley or cilantro leaves

1. Preheat the oven to 375F.

2. Prick each eggplant a few times, then char the outside of the eggplants by placing them directly on the flame of a gas burner and as the skin chars, turn them until the eggplants are uniformly-charred on the outside.
So I didn’t know when the skin was charred, so I just kinda winged it.  Oh and NO ONE TOLD ME EGGPLANTS CATCH ON FIRE!  Geez louise. Scared the whahoosies out of me. 

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3. Place the eggplants on a baking sheet and roast in the oven for 20 to 30 minutes, until they’re completely soft; you should be able to easily poke a paring knife into them and meet no resistance.  Remove from oven and let cool.
In the mean time, I prepared the cilantro, garlic and lemon juice.


4. Split the eggplant and scrape out the pulp.


5. Puree the pulp in a blender or food processor with the other ingredients until smooth.

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6. Taste, and season with additional salt and lemon juice, if necessary. Chill for a few hours before serving. Serve with crackers, sliced baguette, or toasted pita chips.

Storage: Baba Ganoush can be made and refrigerated for up to five days prior to serving.

And how did this turn out? Well, I followed the recipe to a tee.  I had an eating buddy sample it, and he liked it enough. But I just thought it tasted kinda bitter, and not delicious at all!  I would NOT try this again.  Tell me, where did I go wrong?

This was my first Veggie Resolution FAIL. Wah wahhh.